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Knowledge Base

Company (1)

XiongTech is short for Xiong Technology and provide technology solutions for all business sizes.  Some of the services include but not limited to,

  • Hardware desktop, laptop, and server repair/replacement/upgrade
  • Virus removal
  • Data recovery
  • Virtual server
  • Web design hosting and design
  • Logo design
  • And more

See our Services page for more information.

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Software (1)

  1. Open a new message. On the Message tab, in the Include group, click Signature, and then click Signatures
  2. On the E-mail Signature tab, click New.
  3. Type a name for the signature, and then click OK.
  4. In the Edit signature box, type the text that you want to include in the signature.
  5. To format the text, select the text, and then use the style and formatting buttons to select the options that you want.
  6. To add elements besides text, click where you want the element to appear, and then do any of the following:


    Options How to
    To add an electronic business card Click Business Card, and then click a contact in the Filed As list. Then click OK
    To add a hyperlink Click ZA102637922 Insert Hyperlink, type in the information or browse to a hyperlink, click to select it, and then click OK
    To add a picture Click ZA102637920 Picture, browse to a picture, click to select it, and then click OK. Common image file formats for pictures include .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .png.
  1. To finish creating the signature, click OK.

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Outlook 2010 (1)

  1. Open a new message. On the Message tab, in the Include group, click Signature, and then click Signatures
  2. On the E-mail Signature tab, click New.
  3. Type a name for the signature, and then click OK.
  4. In the Edit signature box, type the text that you want to include in the signature.
  5. To format the text, select the text, and then use the style and formatting buttons to select the options that you want.
  6. To add elements besides text, click where you want the element to appear, and then do any of the following:


    Options How to
    To add an electronic business card Click Business Card, and then click a contact in the Filed As list. Then click OK
    To add a hyperlink Click ZA102637922 Insert Hyperlink, type in the information or browse to a hyperlink, click to select it, and then click OK
    To add a picture Click ZA102637920 Picture, browse to a picture, click to select it, and then click OK. Common image file formats for pictures include .bmp, .gif, .jpg, and .png.
  1. To finish creating the signature, click OK.

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